He was diagnosed with Pterygium and has been having this problem since 2014.He has undergone some tests and was prescribed eye drops and other medications but his condition continued to worsen. He was finally informed at the hospital that he will have to undergo a surgical operation on both eyes. For years he has been trying to get the operation done but couldn’t afford it.
The foundation heard about his case and was happy to help. The surgery has been done and he is doing great now. There is nothing like putting a smile on people’s faces. Healthcare shouldn’t be just a privilege but your fundamental right.

Our first beneficiary, Mr. Soneye Solomon Olanrewaju. Eye surgery slated for 18th of December 2020.
Paid in full.

We were delighted seeing Mr. Soneye hopeful again.
We want to put smiles on more faces of people this season .

Pastor Soneye had cataracts in each eye – a devastating problem for any human. As he did not have access to proper vision care financially, he could not find treatment. Suffering from blurred vision and persistent eye pain. If untreated, he would have gone permanently blind.

Fortunately, Pastor Soneye heard of the Daretosave Foundation. With the help needed, he received surgeries on both eyes. After a quick, safe procedure, he could see, in his words, “as good as new again.”